Night Time Economy Submission Statistics

Want to know some of the facts and figures from opening submissions in your new small press?


2/7/20241 min read

We're all about the words here at Floodgate, but occasionally we like some numbers too. They can tell a story too.

Here are some stats around our open subs window you might be interested in.

Number of days subs open: 156 days

Number of submissions received: 84 (pretty much double the entries we took in for Digbeth Stories).

Average word count in submitted pieces: I think around 2500-3000 words. Pretty long! All subject to change when we enter the edit phase for our final entries.

Number of novellas (complete with homemade cover art) submitted for 'feedback': 1. Bye.

Number of people who said they didn't receive acknowledgement emails (one of our aims): ooh, plenty. We apologise for this - something went wrong with our auto-response system.

More stats to follow if I think of anything interesting to share.